Everyone knows this COVID19 pandemic has drastically changed our lives and the livelihood of businesses and government programs, and the same can be said regarding medical marijuana. There are over half a million medical marijuana patients in the state of Florida and a newly expired bill regarding virtual renewals will affect all patients. Gov. Ron Desantis signed a bill quite early in the pandemic to allow virtual appointments and renewals for medical marijuana patients, but the bill expired in June and nothing has been done since. This is not to say that Ron Desantis is at fault because medical marijuana is crumbs compared to hospitality throughout the state and the "rush" to help those affected by COVID19 is far more important, but it is an issue worth bringing up considering the new rise in COVID19 outbreaks. Now, as 2021 begins to draw to an end, lawmakers are facing a push to reinstall virtual renewals for medical marijuana patients as the Delta variants of the virus are sweeping throughout the nation. The pandemic, though, has allowed for much easier access for patients regarding online orders and curbside pickups, so lawmakers should keep the ball rolling by continuously helping patients by preventing them from being exposed to the virus through telemedicine.